Mayor of Mass. Town Gets Threatening Note Over 'Gay Lifestyle'


An openly gay mayor of a Massachusetts town said he received a threatening note that takes aim at his "gay lifestyle," the Boston Globe reports.

Alex Morse, mayor of Holyoke, Mass., (about 90 miles west of Boston) said he found the disturbing note at his home last week.

"Alex, you are one of the most selfish people that I know due to your 'gay' lifestyle," the note reads. "You are going down."

The message was anonymous, with no return address and no name signed.

Morse, who has been mayor since 2011, posted the note on his Facebook Friday, saying he wanted to make the message public to bring awareness to challenges that will come in the wake of Donald Trump being elected president.

"It's a more threatening message than usual, and given the context of the culture that seems to have been elevated since the Trump election, I thought it was important to shine a light on this language and behavior," Morse told the Boston Globe. "It's different than writing a note that says, 'I don't support gay marriage,' or 'I don't support rights for someone.' But to demean someone's humanity based on their sexuality takes it to another level."

Morse, who became the youngest mayor of Holyoke at age 22, added people have been emboldened by Trump's win and that people of color, members of the LGBTQ community and other minorities are concerned the government won't protect them.

"That's a pretty disappointing feeling," the mayor told the Boston Globe. "It's more important than ever before to speak out and come together."

Morse said he will talk to Holyoke's police chief about the message.

"Like any community, be it in Holyoke, Mass., or anywhere else across the country, there are going to be people who are small-minded and bigoted," he said.

To make matters worse, a Facebook user posted a photo of a sign for Alex Morse, which has been defaced to read, "Alex Morse suck's little ally."

"This makes me so very upset. What happened to treat others as you want to be treated," Erin Brunelle, who posted the picture, wrote Sunday night. "Or if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Or what about respect and tolerance. We already know Alex Morse is gay. So what is the point in this. Just to show your ignorance? I support and respect every human being. And love will always conquer."

Since posting the note last week, many have posted messages of support to Morse's Facebook.

"Alex, I am very sorry to read in this morning's paper of the harressment [sic] you have been delaing [sic] with, my husband and I support you and thank you for the work you are doing as Mayor of Holyoke," one commenter wrote.

"Just want to add my name to all the others showing how much we support our mayor and reject this kind of hatred. Thank you Alex!" another supporter wrote.

The anonymous message echoes a similar incident that occurred in St. Petersburg, Fla. over the weekend where a gay couple received an anonymous letter that took aim at their politics and their sexuality.

There have been a string of hateful incidents on LGBT people Trump's victory. Earlier this month it was reported New York State Sen. Brad Hoylman, who is Jewish and openly gay, found swastikas carved into his apartment building, where he lives with his husband and young daughter.

More's post about the note has over 1,000 shares. Check out it out, along with the defaced sign, below.

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