Only in Florida: Man Beats Ex-Wife for 'Cheating' on Him with Sex Toy


Consumed with jealousy, a Florida man was arrested and charged with domestic battery Sunday for beating his ex-wife for cheating on him with a sex toy.

According to an affidavit obtained by The Smoking Gun, on July 1, Tristan Horne, 36, was spending the evening at the home of his ex-wife Misty Clark in Bradenton. The plan was for Horne to spend the night and drive Clark to work in the morning.

The evening devolved into an argument between the pair, however. While Clark was in the bathroom, Horne barged in on her and accused her of cheating on him with her sex toy. After grabbing Clark against her will, he twisted her arm, went into the bedroom, grabbed Clark's sex toy and returned to the bathroom where he snapped it in half.

With the assistance of her 16-year-old daughter Sandtee, Clark packed Horne's overnight bag and ushered him out of the house.

The ordeal, however, was not over.

Later that evening, Horned returned and entered the home while Clark and her daughter were sleeping to take Sandtee's phone in alleged retaliation for taking his.

Horne, who has three prior arrests for domestic battery, is being held in jail in lieu of $1,500 bond.


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