Log Cabin Republicans Finally Get Official Place at CPAC


After years of being denied official participation in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), it appears as though gay conservative group the Log Cabin Republicans (LCR) will have a place at the table at this year's forum scheduled to take place this weekend in Washington, D.C.

Among the many right-wing luminaries scheduled to speak at this year's CPAC are: Sam Brownback, the pig farmer turned governor of Kansas who recently stripped LGBT state workers of employment non-discrimination protections, Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon turned professional Obamacare basher who compares marriage equality advocates to supporters of bestiality and pedophiles, and half-term Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin who is well, Sarah Palin.

According to a statement released Monday by LCR, following two days of productive discussions with leadership of the American Conservative Union (ACU), Log Cabin Republicans has been given an invitation to speak at this year's CPAC as part of the panel "Putin's Russia: A New Cold War?" In response, Log Cabin Republicans National Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo issued the following statement:

"It will be an honor to represent Log Cabin Republicans at CPAC 2015 as part of the panel "Putin's Russia: A New Cold War?" with Seth Cropsey, Carly Fiorina, Cliff May, and Amanda Brickell Bellows.

There has been a great deal of confusion over the last 48 hours regarding the Log Cabin Republicans' role in CPAC 2015. After some very fruitful conversations with the leadership of The American Conservative Union, we would like to express regret if anyone associated with The American Conservative Union felt unfairly maligned. That was never our intention.

For years, all we have wanted is for Log Cabin Republicans to be able to provide a meaningful contribution to CPAC, be it as sponsors, speakers, or panelists. Now is not the time to make the perfect the enemy of the good. Log Cabin Republicans will continue working toward full sponsorship of future CPACs. In the meantime, I look forward to bringing the gay conservative perspective to CPAC 2015 on behalf of Log Cabin Republicans, as well as the message that when conservatives focus on unity rather than division, we win."

Gay groups have been banned from officially participating in CPAC since 2011 when high profile conservative groups opposed the presence of now defunct gay Republican organization GOProud. These groups included Southern Poverty Law Center anti-gay hate groups the Family Research Council, Liberty Council, Concerned Women for America and the American Family Association. At the time Log Cabin officials said they did not ask to be invited to CPAC and that the organization would rather "choose its battles."

The panel "Putin's Russia: A New Cold War?" will take place at CPAC 2015 at 12 p.m. Saturday, February 28.

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation's largest Republican organization representing LGBT conservatives and allies. The more than 30-year old organization has state and local chapters nationwide, a full-time office in Washington, D.C., a federal political action committee and state political action committees.


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