
Jake Mulligan READ TIME: 2 MIN.

People are driven apart every day by matters of "Circumstance." That seems to be the central thesis of this film about sexual awakening, repressed desires, and moral conflict in modern Iran. Atefah and Shireen are two young women in love, and while homosexuality is a capital crime, Atefah's wealthy family keeps them under a safe roof. But when her Muslim brother Mehran returns, obsessed with Shireen, he sets up video cameras across the house and enlists the 'Morality Police' in enacting a plot that will allow him to marry her. But she and Atefah have different plans, hoping to escape to Dubai to leave Iran behind forever.

Shot in Lebanon (as the films content would have caused a massive uproar from Iranian censors had it been shot in the country) the movie certainly has a very different feel from what we know as Iranian cinema. Gone is any semblance of reserve; with our characters engaging in drugs, drinking, explicit dance scenes, and even more explicit sex scenes. I'd be remiss if I didn't admit that it sometimes began to feel like a soap opera, with betrayals and plot twists coming once every ten minutes and our characters solidly separated into heroes and villains.

"Circumstance" looks very good on DVD, with the diverse color scheme well represented in this digital transfer. Other features are included, including a filmmaker commentary (which is interesting for those curious about the nature of filmmaking in the middle east, and what they "got away with" in Lebanon as opposed to what would be allowed in Iran) and a short behind the scenes documentary.

Lion's Gate

by Jake Mulligan

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