How To Make Your Holiday Extra Happy

Kevin Mark Kline READ TIME: 3 MIN.

The holidays can be the best and worst of times -- it's up to you to make it great. Hosting a holiday party is a fantastic way to share the happiness of the holidays with family and friends. My advice on creating the perfect party is "Keep it real."


The holidays are not the time to attempt to be a Top Chef. If you are a great cook and enjoy cooking, go for it. However, if you are lacking in the kitchen department don't fret because there are many affordable options to get you through. Large bulk stores offer platters and trays that can easily be re-plated and look and taste great. If that's not your thing, catering from your favorite restaurant is a viable option. It is important to serve food if you are serving cocktails because holidays are the time to enjoy each other's' company, not to be picking guests up off the floor.

Decorate, Decorate, Decorate

It is the holidays after all, now is the time (and excuse) to go over-the-top. With that said, again, keep it real. More is not always better. I suggest picking a theme and color palate that makes sense for your space. Keep in mind, your holiday plans and traditions when designing your d�cor. Some fun themes can be a decorating party. Let guests know your color palate and ask them to bring a decoration. At the party, guests will take part in decorating and enjoying the festivities.

Music and Entertainment

Don't overwhelm with your music -- remember you are not throwing a Fraternity Keg Party, so you don't want your guests screaming and shouting just to have a conversation. Even if you opt out of traditional holiday music, choose soft music that people can easily talk over. Make sure you set up a playlist, so you don't have to be playing DJ all night. Lock your computer so that your drunk friends don't try taking over the deejaying duties... it's better for everyone.

Be Responsible

You are the one serving alcohol, so you are the one responsible for making sure no one is driving drunk. Before the party, make sure you have plenty of sleeping options for people who may need to spend the night. Also, make a list of local taxi services and phone numbers people can call to get rides home. As the host, it is your job to make sure everyone gets home safely. Consider using a service that gives guests an option to go home in their cars.

Extra Tips for the Perfect Holiday Party

Plan early - it's never too early to start planning. Make sure to pick your date and send "Save the Dates." This is very important at the holidays. I suggest creating a holiday calendar amongst your friends so as not to overlap with parties and events.

Accept Help- Friends and family will want to help you -- this is a great way to throw an event. I even suggest co-hosting with others as this takes some of the load and costs off your shoulders.

Enjoy- Holiday parties are meant for celebrating, so by planning ahead you will be able to actually enjoy your party.

Remember, like with any event, not everything will go perfectly and that's OK. Have back up plans, don't sweat the small stuff and remember it is the holidays so ENJOY.

I wish you all a Happy and Healthy Holiday season!

by Kevin Mark Kline , Director of Promotions

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